Monday, November 10, 2008

Adonai Invites Service

Adonai invites service, because if Jesus is our Adonai, then He is our master and we are His servants. With that in mind, read these words from Richard Foster’s incredible classic, Celebration of Discipline.

“As the cross is the sign of submission, so the towel is the sign of service. When Jesus gathered His disciples for the Last Supper they were having trouble deciding who was the greatest. This was no new issue for them. (Luke 9:46). Whenever there is trouble over who is the greatest, there is trouble over who is the least. That is the crux of the matter for us, isn’t it? Most of us know we will never be the greatest; just don’t let us be the least.
Gathered at the Passover feast, the disciples were keenly aware that someone needed to wash the other’s feet. The problem was that the only people who washed feet were the least. So there they sat, feet caked with dirt. It was such a sore point that they were not even going to talk about it. No one wanted to be considered the least. Then Jesus took a towel and a basin and redefined greatness.
Having lived out servanthood before them, He called them to the way of service. ‘If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you’ (John 13:14-15). In some ways we would prefer to hear Jesus’ call to deny father and mother, houses and land for the sake of the gospel than His word to wash feet. Radical self-denial gives the feel of adventure. If we forsake all, we even have the chance of glorious martyrdom. But in service, we must experience the many little deaths of going beyond ourselves. Service banishes us to the mundane, the ordinary, the trivial.
The risen Christ beckons us to the ministry of the towel. Such a ministry, flowing out of the inner recesses of the heart, is life and joy and peace. Perhaps you would like to begin by experimenting with a prayer that several of us use. Begin the day praying, ‘Lord Jesus, as it would please You bring me someone today whom I can serve.’”


Randy said...

Celebration of Discipline is one of my all-time favorite books that has challenged me more in my personal walk than perhaps any other book (apart from the Bible, of course). I really challenge any of you to read it if you want to go deeper in your walk with Christ. Hey Becky, thanks for the little bit of praise write up. That was a very unexpected award, but I too felt it was very confirming of God's work at Ross Station. It really is a privilege to serve the Lord here!

susan said...

I agree with Randy! It is a privilege to serve the Lord at Ross Station. I am so thankful for our "Owner", and I just want to serve Him.

livnfrog said...

Oh how I want to serve! I am praying for Him to show me how and in what way... This devotion really spoke to my heart... I want to please Him. I want to please my King. I pray that He will show me today what will please Him.