Wednesday, November 12, 2008

As I was praying this morning, I was telling the Lord how I want so much to surrender EVERY fiber of my being and I know there are divided parts of my heart because in the quietness of my time before Him, I am surrendered, but when the distractions come I am so easy led away from Him. And immediately, I saw a picture of Allie, our white german shephard,in my mind. God just gave me a picture of how we handle the distractions that come our way.

Allie went to obedience school and was the STAR! Out of 13 dogs she only had to be shown a trick once and she just got it! It was pretty extraordinary for a puppy! When she is at home in the kitchen or living room she just pops those tricks out like they are ingrained in her; but, let her outside and Molly and Murphy (her best friends) come around and you can tell her sit, stay, down, shake, stand, heel, and she acts like she is deaf running around wrestling with her friends! I have to physically get her attention, get eye to eye, and tell her the command. Then she will do what I say, but it is short-lived and with frustration that she does it.

But, according to her trainer, that's why part of her training included distractions, so she could learn obedience regardless of the distractions around her. It takes practice in the very surroundings that give her trouble in order for her to get it right.

Wow! It takes a conscious effort by me, in the very places that give me trouble, in order for me to have an undivided heart, totally surrendered to my Adonai. Each day I must choose to serve God regardless of the distractions. You see, some of the distractions in our days are beyond our control, but how we respond to those distractions certainly is.

Intentional, deliberate and committed to serving My Master, Adonai. How about you?

Have a great day!


Randy said...

What a great devotion! Thank you Becky for sharing. It is amazing how we get sidetracked by the distractions of life so often. I am reminded that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. God, today, give me a single focus to keep my eyes on you as I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for those thoughts! Having recently celebrated my grandmother's "Homegoing," I have been reminded of the intentionally simplistic way she lived her life. For her, life was about her faith and her family, and she was so very devoted to God's Word. I am so thankful for her, and for all the people surrounding us who provide such solid examples of this single minded focus.

livnfrog said...

Oh, I needed that today... I have been so "distracted" today. Father, please help me to be "single minded." Help me to place my focus on YOU and not anything of this world.